NewsViewtracker - Analytics for Confluence

Our new Analytics Report Macro for Confluence Data Center

Our app team has been very busy in the last months, and we are proud to present our new powerful Confluence macro to you! In this blog post, we explain what this new macro can do. 

This new macro lets you bring your Confluence usage data to life. You can create custom reports on Confluence pages and make the data analytics visible — even to users without Viewtracker access! You can select as many metrics as you want and display nice-looking analytics insight on your Confluence pages. 

How to use it

To use this macro as a Viewtracker Data Center customer, you simply need to type “{Analytics Report” on a Confluence page, select the macro and click “edit”. This will open the macro interface, and you can choose to display your data in Chart, Tiles, or Text form. You can then choose if you are interested in Page or Space analytics,  what metrics (most viewed pieces of content in a space, views over time, most active users, … )  you want to display and select the time period. You can place multiple macros on the same Confluence page. Learn more about how to use the macro in our documentation.

Here’s what you can do with each presentation type offered by the macro:


  • Description: The chart presents your data visually. This option allows you to embed line, bar, and area charts depicting Viewtracker metrics from specific spaces or content.
  • Use Case: Perfect for tracking performance trends or growth metrics over time.


  • Description: This format displays essential metrics or “top 5” lists in eye-catching 300×300 tiles.
  • Use Case: Useful for dashboard-like presentations highlighting key metrics for quick consumption.

Text or Lists

  • Description: For those who prefer straightforward, detailed data, this option presents metrics and lists in a clear textual format.
  • Use Case: Best to display many metrics in a space-efficient manner. 

Use Cases

To give you a clearer idea of how these options can add value to your Confluence pages, here are some hypothetical scenarios:

  • Your space admin wants to implement an overview page that displays newly created content, the most viewed pages and blog posts, and the most active users. 
  • You have published important information for your team across multiple Confluence pages and would like to track the views and viewers’ activity for each page. 
This is an example of how you can create a data hub for your own content. The metrics used in this example are the number of views, number of viewers, number of engaged users and number of watches.
  • For your Confluence pages with multiple stakeholders, you can add an analytics report macro to display important key figures that your stakeholders can view without accessing Viewtracker. 
This is an example of how you could organize your Confluence page for your stakeholders. The metrics in this example include newly published pages, last modified pages, top viewers, top contributors, most viewed pages and blog posts and more.
  • You can create a “Data hub” for your technical writers, blog writers or HR. Use the macros on a Confluence page to give them a quick overview of how their content is performing without accessing Viewtracker.

Our new Analytics Report Macro lets you display all kinds of data. From the most viewed pieces of content in a space to views over time or most active users. 

Protection of Sensitive Data

Visitors of Confluence pages where macros were inserted will only see the items listed in the content lists if they have permission to view them. The same goes for user lists; those lists are only visible according to the Viewtracker data privacy setting.

Final Thoughts

The “Analytics Report” Macro offers a robust solution for displaying a wide range of data, from the most viewed content within a space to detailed views over time or metrics on the most active users. It’s designed to make data interaction customizable and user-friendly, ensuring that all team members have the tools to drive decision-making and performance improvement.